About Laura



Whether as an author/illustrator at the age of five writing about a dashingly heroic cat and his cat damsel in distress or as a good-natured, young raconteur describing the adventurous lives of unsuspecting patrons seated near me in restaurants, I’ve always made up stories. It only took me forty years to realize it is what I do best. So, welcome to Andoree, the country and creation of my imagination. Sit down and I’ll spin you a tale or two.

By day, I teach a Humanities class (Ancient History/ English) at a local private school. By night (really late night, actually), I am an aspiring middle grade fiction author spinning tales for my kids and perhaps one day the public.

My favorite thing to do is spend time with my husband and kids; they are my inspiration and my heart.

(Dark chocolate and a good cup of coffee run a close second).


2 thoughts on “About Laura

  1. Love it Laura! Where do we get your book? Sharon

  2. You are so sweet, Sharon! Some day I hope to be published, and I’ll get you a signed copy. 😉
    Miss you guys!

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